Saturday, December 28, 2019

Discriminations True Meaning - 1590 Words

â€Å"The only difference between man and man all the world over is one of degree, and not of kind, even as there is between trees of the same species. Where in is the cause for anger, envy, or discrimination?† (Gandhi). The only difference between each person is personality; each individual has something to offer. Many people judge others based on first impressions because usually it is the only time they will see the person in their life. They usually do not want to take time out of their day to get to know the person they just have met. Appearance plays a huge part in how people will make opinions on others. Throughout history, Europeans have considered themselves superior to Africans; therefore, Europeans enslaved the Africans to do their†¦show more content†¦The inconvenience of employers being required to provide additional costly equipment or services for a disabled person to perform a task and people’s attitudes prevent a disabled person from being succ essful or even hired. Society is unaware, or does not care, about how their discrimination makes the disabled person feel. For thousands of years, women have been discriminated against because of their gender. The website, Women in Society, discovered that, â€Å"Women often stay at home, cleaning, cooking and caring for their children. Although these activities are essential for the wellbeing of the family, women are often not respected for their work.† Due to this common stereotyping, men consider of themselves superior to women. In ancient Greece, only male citizens who owned land were able to vote. During Shakespearean times, female roles were given to male actors because it was improper for women to be on stage. While looking over history books, it is uncommon to see women’s achievements. â€Å"It is possible, reading standard histories, to forget half the population of the country. The explorers were men, the landholders and merchant’s men, the political leader’s men, the military figures men. The very invisibility of women, the overlooking of women, is a sign of their submerged status† (Maugham). Men believe that women are not meant to go fight; they are to be protected. The military did not allow women to fight on theShow MoreRelatedThe Racism Of African Americans2803 Words   |  12 Pagesfive† (Mtose 2011). Multidimensional model of racial identity (MMRI) Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, Chavous (1998) have proposed the MMRI as a structure for black racial identity. The model defines racial identity in terms of the significance and meaning that African Americans place on race when it comes to defining themselves. The model advises four dimensions of racial identity attitudes. Two dimensions seem to be mainly significant to understanding the potential impact of racial discrimination

Friday, December 20, 2019

E Commerce A Great Tool For Promoting Business - 1497 Words

A business through e-commerce can be a great tool for promoting business online and to generate sales and/or provides channels for a business to engage with customers. The benefits of e-commerce include its around-the-clock availability and accessibility, a speed of access, and the worldwide reach. In contrary, with the technology advances, a variety of rights are claimed and along with it in, online business became exposed to a large risks without protecting of its rights. Consequently, the law created to protect the rights such as copyright and/or patents, database laws, trademarks, industrial design law, and trade secret law to protect different types of intellectual property (IP) rights. The question here is, how much the laws can†¦show more content†¦In the UK, copyright protect literary and artistic works vests automatically in a work, provided that satisfies certain criteria and there is no registry or fees to pay. It is also an international right that gives authors and creators the right to control use of their material in a different ways, such as by issuing copies, broadcasting and use online. For a ‘work’ to qualify for copyright in the UK; 1) The work must fall within one of eight categories of work listed in the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988). 2) The work must be recorded in a material form 3) The work must be original. The test for the originality of the work, there must be sufficient â€Å"skill, labour and judgment† or â€Å"selection, judgment and experience† or â€Å"labour, skill and capital†. Copyright protects the expression of an idea rather than the ideal itself: idea/expression dichotomy. This is the fundamental concept of copyright and in the case of Donoghue v Allied Newspapers [1938] Farwell J. said that: ‘If the idea, however original, is nothing more than an idea, and is not put into any form of words, or any form of expression such as a picture, then there is no such thing as copyright at all.’ And thus, distinction between an idea and an expression often under the spotlight of debate under copyright law. â€Å"One may differentiate the form from the substance of a writing, equating the substance with the writing s idea, but any idea must

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Failure of Liberalism in Dr. Strangelove free essay sample

In spite of the prevailing view of democracy as â€Å"good† and communism as â€Å"evil† at the time, America was being just as evil as the Soviet Union by pursuing the technology of superior nuclear weapons. Dr. Strangelove takes a serious look at how liberalism ultimately failed the international system in a most horrific way. Liberalism maintains that human nature is basically good, and that bad human behavior is usually a product of insufficient or immoral social institutions and of misunderstanding among leaders. The first level of analysis of liberalism pertains to the individual, and Dr. Strangelove displays how the individuals in this film played an integral part of the ultimate destruction of Earth. The most obvious key player in this film is General Jack D. Ripper. He is the personification of the liberal view of evil human behavior. Going against orders, General Ripper decides to launch an attack on the Soviet Union, simply because he believed the Russians were poisoning the American people through fluoridation. We will write a custom essay sample on Failure of Liberalism in Dr. Strangelove or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to assure that his plan would not be thwarted, he changed the abort codes so that he is the only person who is able to stop the attack. General Ripper is an extreme opposite to the liberal view of human nature as basically good, and he demonstrates how one individual could have powerful influence on the international system. Another display of bad human behavior in Kubrick’s film is ignorance. This is prominently shown in Major King Kong. Major Kong’s biggest mistake is his failure to realize how nuclear weapons have changed the nature of war. He not only follows the orders given by General Ripper blindly, but he does so in a way that is more suitable for the type of fighting that was done in WWII. He doesn’t seem to understand that the consequences of his dropping an atomic bomb on Russia and in his shortsightedness, appears to think nuclear war may not actually be that bad. In actuality, nuclear weapons made war more detrimental to not only the human race, but to the local and global environment. Perhaps the most interesting take on bad human behavior in the film is Dr. Strangelove himself. His lack of feeling and compassion for others leads him to view nuclear weapons as a mode of deterrence against enemy attack, and he gives no real thought to the fact that that they will essentially destroy the human race. Near the end of the film, he shows his lack of empathy by suggesting that all military and political leaders and attractive women be taken into a mine shaft in an effort to survive the virulent radioactivity produced by the Doomsday device. Not all characters in this film portray the evil human side, however. President Muffley is the liberalist image of good human nature. He is not only appalled by the actions taken by General Ripper, but he attempts to stop the attack from happening in order to make peace prevail between the United States and the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, his attempts are ineffectual and somewhat ridiculous, and in the end he is not successful in stopping the apocalypse. While President Muffley is what liberalist would consider the majority of the human population, in this film he is played out as more of a minority of human behavior. Despite the overwhelming acts of the individuals in Dr. Strangelove that contributed to the ultimate demise of mankind, the state, which is the second level of analysis for liberalism, was also a major actor in Earth’s destruction. None of the individuals in the film could have caused such destruction if the state hadn’t first built the weapons that made it possible. The United States and the Soviet Union were competing in a race to make the most superior weapons. The Russians even went as far as to make a Doomsday Machine that would destroy all human, animal, and plant life on Earth as a method of retaliation, which is the unequivocal liberalist view of immoral behavior. Aside from that, the lack of cooperation among the states played a serious role in the outcome of this film. Instead of the two states involved cooperating and reaching a level of understanding, they chose to use power and destruction as tools for manipulating the other side to act accordingly. In the end, it was this more than anything else that led to the worst outcome possible. While liberalism has a more idealistic view of human nature and the international system, it is put into question by the film Dr. Strangelove. Instead of improving moral and material conditions and making societal progress, the actors in this film chose death and ultimately apocalypse. In short, it shows how despite liberalist view on mankind’s best intentions, good human nature may not always triumph.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Women Poetry of world war one Essay Example For Students

Women Poetry of world war one Essay Women Poetry of world war one BY Panamanian Women Poets of the First World War During the First World War, many women began writing about their experiences and their opinions of the war. However their works have been given less importance as compared to the Literature written by Men of the time. Even while poetry is arguably the most central of womens war time genre, readers have often found it disappointingly backward-looking in both style and subject matter (Plucks, 89) While looking at the works of Women poets we find a variation in themes ranging from those who encouraged men to fight the war to those who fought the war themselves ND despised It. This research paper attempts to study the different kinds of poetry written by women and the themes they express. The infamous white feather campaign was part of a government- orchestrated effort to immobile women to recruit male soldiers (Plucks, 90). As it was a completely volunteer based army, it was necessary to have very powerful recruitment campaigns in order to have enough soldiers. The White Feather Brigade was started by Admiral Fitzgerald on August 30, 1914, when he gave out white feathers to 30 women, giving Instructions to hand them out to men who had cowardly not enlisted in the army. The idea of the white feather as a symbol for cowardice and disapproval comes from a popular novel written by the British author A. E. W. Mason in 1902, during the Boer War (Wiseacres). This resulted in Jingoism even in some of the poems written by women. Among the Jingo- writers were writers like Jessie Pope who wrote two such poems- The Call and Whos for the Game? In Whiffs for the Game? Pope was trying to bring out the Image that war was fun and full of glory that any young man could earn If only he had the courage- The red crashing game of a fight? Wholl grip and tackle the job unafraid? By using the words like game, the biggest thats played and game of a fight she makes fighting the wars seem like an easy task. She also compares the war to a show for praise was given to the soldiers who fought the war and not those who watched from the home front- Who wants a turn to himself In the show? And who wants a seat In the stand? Similarly In The Call Pope repeatedly uses rhetorical questions to evoke a sense of guilt. Her constant uses of the question- ;will you my ladder? And her use of My Ladder almost suggests that going to the war would be a way to impress he ladies on the home front because it was heroic and noble. A similar belief in expressed in her poem, The Beau Ideal which literally means the perfect beauty and according to Pope would be the lad that- Must be in shabby khaki tight To compass her affection Whos proved that he Is brittle Must her have one member in a sling Or, preferably, missing This poem would was used to convince men to fight the war because women now preferred Soldiers but must have been very offensive to those who fought the war. For the country- For theres only one course to pursue. Your country is up to her neck n a fight, And shes looking and calling for you And she was also certain that England was going to win the war and when She did, that all these soldiers would be honored. When that procession comes, Banners and rolling drums- Wholl stand and bite his thumbs- Will you, my ladder? And like she does in Whos for the gamer, she asks -at this point of time would the people rather be with among those who are being honored or stand among those who fought? .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postImageUrl , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:visited , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active { border:0!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Influence Our Mind Jingo-woman (How I dislike you! ) Dealer in white feathers, Insulter, self-appointed, Of all the men you meet, Not dressed in uniform What these women are doing by shaming the men into war is unacceptable to her. She doesnt believe that men should be shamed into the war Just because they are men. Cant you see it isnt decent, To flout and goad men into doing, What is not asked of you? Aside from the Jingoist writers, a whole range of poetry was written by women who worked on the war front as nurses among them being Vera Britain who and Eva Double, Both who served in The Voluntary Aid Detachment (BAD) nurse. Some of their works reflect the things they encountered while working. Some were about heroism and some were about the pain and agony that the soldiers suffered. Eva Double wrote Night duty, Pluck and Gramophones which take an account of things she may have encountered while working at the hospitals. Pluck emphasis on the fact that young people were brainwashed into enlisting into the army. She speaks of a seventeen year old- His great eyes seems to question why: with both legs smashed it might have been Better in that grim trench to die Some poems were written by women who were on the home front and wrote poems based on what they had heard from others. Margaret Cole for example was a pacifist in the First World War. She wrote the The Veteran which again is a p oem about a young who people enlisted in the army. The Veteran himself is only 19 and yet he has encountered. Cole could have been trying to make a statement that people who are so young should not have to face such traumatizing events. Poems by other women on the home front reflect themes of loss, pain, love. These women were the ones who ad to anxiously wait at home only to hear the news that their loved ones has passed. One such poem that expressed these themes is The Wind on the Downs by Marina Allen. This poem was written to her Fiance, Arthur Greg who died in the war. The poem expresses her struggle to cope with the news of his death- You have not died, it is not true, instead You seek adventure in some other place, a feeling that was faced by most women on the home front. Men on the war front often suffered horrible deaths, many of whom, the bodies were never found. Their loved ones at home therefore had no closure. The lines of Vera Britains Perhaps expresses the same idea when she says .. Though kind Time may many Joys renew, There is one greatest Joy I shall not know Again, because my heart for loss of You Was broken, long ago. Her poem expresses deep feelings of loss because life might go on as usual for her and everyone around by her loved one will not be there to enjoy it with her. Many of the women were insistent on being on the war front. They may have felt subordinated or may have been carried away by the idea of the war or maybe Just wanted to be useful first world war is notable for having transformed womans role of mere spectator of a male event into one active participant at various levels, in the war behind. Therefore some did go to war and worked on various levels. Female feats went unrecorded; occasionally they got a mention in the papers (Khan, 133). A range of poetry was also a cry for much needed respect that ought to be given to women who fought the war. Apart from the soldiers who lost their lives there was a large number of women who worked on the war front as nurses or did other voluntary work and were killed in ill faith. Women Felt unappreciated as all praise was given to the men and none to the women. Poets like Vera Britain expressed some of these ideas in their works.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Black and Decker free essay sample

There has not been any more vital time to understand the cause of this setback. This urgency lead him to ask Joseph Galli, the vice president of sales and marketing at Black and Decker, to conduct a thorough research to develop a marketing plan for the year 1991/1992. The new plan is developed to target the major problem in the Professional Tradesmen segment: Low market share among comparatives and no profitability. After a detailed situation and consumer analysis and evaluating the alternatives, John Galli concluded that professional tradesmen segment needs to be repositioned. After a careful product assessment, Galli realized the professional quality of items produced by Bamp;D is above their major comparatives such as Makita and Milwakee. However, the brand is poorly differentiated from the lower grade products in the consumer segment; the segment which Bamp;D holds the most solid market share among comparatives. The permeation of Bamp;D in consumer segment has tarnished brand perception in professional tradesmen segment; both product lines are offered in the same color: Charcoal Grey! Additionally, due to the already established and extensive negative recognition of professional tradesmen segment among professional buyers of power tool products tagging any product to this brand won’t generate the drastic results that Bamp;D is pursuing. We will write a custom essay sample on Black and Decker or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, it was Black and Decker’s weak presence in Home Depot, the rapidly growing professional tradesmen product outlet, which was contributing to the problem. They needed to strategically enter this market while emphasizing their position in Home Center and Two-Step distribution channel. Following these realities, Galli knew with almost no profitability in this segment asking for advertising allowances and rebate money is not an option. As a result, he introduced a marketing plan revolving around repositioning the professional tradesmen segment and establishing a new brand entry, backed by Bamp;D service and warranty handling and differentiating products from consumer segment by colorization. 1 Introduction Black and Decker is one of the world’s largest power tool manufactures and the leader of power tool market in United States. In 1991, Black and Decker’s sales record was over $5 billion and the company ranked 7th in brand recognition throughout U. S and 19th in Europe market. The nation’s power tool company leader divides in three segments: consumer, professional industrial and professional tradesmen. The consumer tool segment is offering products for â€Å"at home† use and is the most popular division with proximately $250 million in revenue in 1990. The professional industrial targets the corporates that purchase tools in large quantities for the use of professional employees. The revenue for this segment is estimated $110 Million as well. The professional tradesmen segment is the $420 million size division which represents products that professional individuals such as carpenters and contractors purchase to use on the job sites where they are required to take their own tools. However, this segment generated only $35 million revenue in 1990 with almost no profit. Both consumer and professional industrial segments owned a solid position in the market with 45% and 20% segment shares in power tool market. However, this success did not transfer to the professional tradesmen segment. In 1990, Bamp;D roughly held 9% market share in power tool market in United States. This highlighted the presence of the competitors such as Makita and Milwaukee with 50% and 10% market shares to the senior management of Bamp;D more than ever. Professional tradesmen segment was clearly suffering and falling behind in the dynamic and competitive power tool market. Joseph Galli, the vice president of sales and marketing in Black amp; Decker decided to conduct an extensive research to find the root of this problem and conclude an alternative. In this research, the problem highlights itself as the professional tradesmen segment’s low market share, no profitability and desperate need to reposition for this segment. Following is the situation analysis of Black and Decker supporting the idea of repositioning the professional tradesman unit. 2 Situational Analysis Internal factors By virtually creating the power tools industry, Black amp; Decker holds primary strength in the consumer and industrial segments, proved by being ranked #1 in those respected market share positions. By holding large amount of equity in the US and Europe, DeWalt can aggressively be put into the professional tradesmen segment to take the market lead from Makita. Although Black amp; Decker only holds a 9% share in the current professional tradesman segment, Black amp; Decker holds the title of being one of the best producers of high quality goods. By repositioning the DeWalt name in the rapidly growing professional tradesmen segment, that 9% market share will quickly increase with the support of our brand recognition and image. With the strong internal factors, the Black amp; Decker Company has strong potential in building an admirable image in the $420 million professional tradesmen segment. External Factors The professional tradesmen segment, although relatively new, has rapidly been growing compared to the consumer, 7%, and industrial, no growth, segments. Having high market shares in the consumer and industrial parts, Black amp; Decker holds a strong 30% of the total market share. Also growing in importance, are the home centers, The Home Depot being the largest of the quickly growing chain stores of home improvement. Buyers of the professional tradesmen tools also heavily patronize emerging retail distribution outlets, such as The Home Depot and Lowe’s. Competitive analysis Despite the fact that Makita does share 50% of the current market, the current position they hold in brand image is not nearly as positive as Black amp; Decker. Consumers have regarded Makita as, 3 â€Å"arrogant† and â€Å"dictatorial. † On the other side, Black amp; Decker has been put in the top ten in the U. S in the aspect of brand strength. One of the main reasons why Makita has grown much success in the past decade was with the help of the new rapid development of home center outlets. A common characteristic shared within the top three manufacturers of the professional tradesmen segment was that all three offered broad product lines, offering approximately 175 SKU’s each. Consumer Analysis Black amp; Decker Corporation as a Power Tools Division has been ranked low in the professional tradesmen market. In efforts to increase awareness and market the power tools division in a more competitive way, a consumer study was established and processed. Consumers of different ages, sexes, and races that work in the professional tradesmen field and the general public were asked a series of non-bias questions in order to gain a competitive advantage in the future sales opportunity. In order to do so we needed to study the current trend of consumer awareness and behavior as well as the pre conceived opinion of the Black amp; Decker product reputation both past and current trends. The following segments were used: Young Adults (ages 15-25), Adult Women (ages 26-60), and Adult Men ages (26-60). Young Adults (ages 15-25): The young adults being mostly single, college age living at home with parents or with roommates who typically don’t use power tools were vaguely familiar with the Black amp; Decker name and not associating as a Power tool brand. Adult Women (ages 26-60) usually homemakers, single moms, have advanced education, professional, and work both outside the home as well as in the home. Of the Adult females surveyed 75% were familiar with the Black amp; Decker name and had purchased a Bamp;D power tool over any other brand. Of those women, 75% also choose durability over cost when compared to similar items. While most women appear to be more in tune to actual cost of household products such as a Dust Buster when compared to professional grade tools, they still have a more realistic estimate of actual cost when compared side by side. Most women rate 4 Black amp; Decker as a good-excellent power tool product and would recommend to a friend and purchase additional Bamp;D products. Adult Men (ages 26-60) Most with a higher level of education and with more experience using power tools. In some instances adult men and women shared the same opinion but when asked, men choose warranty over compatibility. 56% of adult men rated Black amp; Decker as a poor choice for a power tool. While women were found to be more willing to purchase additional power tools with the Black amp; Decker name only 10% of males said they would and most would not recommend Bamp;D as a power tool option. With the above data collected it is determined that dropping the Black amp; Decker name instead of just Sub branding would better benefit the goals of the company and gain a larger advantage in the market. Having such a negative appeal from the current state is not only discouraging but also provides a more complete analysis of how the consumers view the Black amp; Decker name, regardless of the quality of an actual item. Alternatives, Pros and Cons The first alternative would focus on Bamp;D consumer and Professional-Industrial market segment which it already maintains the #1 market share. The professional-Tradesman segment would become an afterthought for Bamp;D, instead focusing primarily on profitability at the expense of market share. Bamp;D research had shown that their tools were highly regarded in the professional industrial segment, for high quality. Bamp;D field test of their products with all identifying marks removed against competitors products which also had all identifying marks removed, showed that product quality was strongly competitive with other brands. This would greatly diminish the Black and Decker brand by deemphasizing the quality in the professional-Tradesman segment. The result would be a negative effect on consumer and industrial segments as well. Brand loyalty and image would suffer greatly while gaining market share for the Professional-Tradesman segment. The second alternative would be to sub-brand Bamp;D product. The brand would have a new name for its professional tradesman products, but would also state â€Å"by Black and Decker†. 5 This alternative would not entirely clear all negative brand perception in the Bamp;D Professional Tradesman segment. Professional Tradesman segment viewed the Bamp;D brand as a product for home instead of job use. This alternative would still carry the negative perception of the Bamp;D brand in the Professional Tradesman segment of the market. Bamp;D quality perception of suppliers quality would remain first to last based on company research. Color was generally regarded as a product differentiator and this alternative would not make any changes in this regard, keeping the Bamp;D tools their respective traditional colors. This alternative would do little to increase market share and revenue. The third alternative, which has been chosen for the best possible outcome, would be to use an entirely different brand name for the Bamp;D Professional-Tradesman segment of the market. The brand name chosen is DeWalt, the brand has storied history in the stationary wood working business since the company was founded in 1918. DeWalt products were permanently installed on many lumberyards, garnering awareness of the brand, verified by research at 70% and also positively viewed as one of the best by 63% of the professional-tradesman segment of the market. The company was purchased by Bamp;D in 1960, so the brand name could be easily assigned to a Bamp;D product. The color option eventually chosen was yellow, a familiar sign of caution used on many construction sites. The yellow coloring would also differentiate the DeWalt product from many other brands including Bamp;D and many other successful brands in the professional-tradesman segment. This option would theoretically double the market share within three years; operating income would also increase by 2%. Recommendations The product chosen to replace the Bamp;D nameplate in the professional tradesman segment is the DeWault. DeWalt brand would position the Bamp;D professional tradesman products a step higher in product quality and reliability, relieving the negative brand association in the respective segment. The color yellow chosen for the product would create instant awareness of the brand amongst its immediate competitors Makita and Milwakee. The price of the DeWalt Professional-Tradesman product would be positioned comparably to the Makita and Milwakee brands. Milwakee and Makita are priced 5% and 10% respectively over current similar Bamp;D products. 6 The distribution channels that will be used include home centers, which include The Home Depot and Home Club. Home centers are increasingly becoming a popular source for professional-tradesman tools. Home centers have a combined yearly sale of 8. 5 million dollar in the professional-tradesman market. DeWalts rise in the marketplace will greatly depend on these types of distribution outlets. Two-steps will be used for distribution as well, including Ace and Servistar. DeWalt will not be offered in discount oriented membership club stores, as they are perceived to be positioning themselves as a â€Å"fathers day gift† The DeWalt brand has an existing 70% awareness rating among Professional-Tradesman, and a 63% positive view by tradesman. The company was founded in 1918 and has been a permanent fixture in lumberyards since, the presence over the years has created most of the existing promotion of the brand. The yellow color of DeWalt tools will help it differentiate itself form other products and also promote itself as being the only yellow tool for Professional-Tradesman on the market. Conclusion The purpose to conduct this marketing plan was to find an alternative to Black and Decker’s decade long failure to own large enough market shares in professional tradesmen segment. Black amp; Decker has succeeded to position the consumer and professional industrial segments in the top ranked market share among comparatives however, professional tradesmen segment has failed to reach anywhere beyond %9. The internal factor for Bamp;D is that, this company is one of the world’s largest power tool producers and in the comparison product analysis Black and Decker’s products win over the competitors. This means Bamp;D has the potential to earn the top brand perception that is missing. On the other hand, consumers are the external factor who prefers using Bamp;D products for home use rather than on job sites this is while Makita and Milwaukee are the two preferred brands in professional tradesmen segment. Galli is coming up with three alternatives. The first option is to harvest professional tradesmen channels. This option is vetoed because professional tradesmen segment is growing more rapidly than consumer and industrial segments. Dropping this segment will lead to a huge loss in a long run. The second alternative is to sub-brand. This alternative is ruled out as well since releasing any products under any brand while still tagged to Bamp;D will not lead to increase sales due to extensive negative brand perception in professional tradesmen products. The third alternative is to drop the tainted Black and Decker name and produce a line of products under DeWalt brand, the brand owned by Bamp;D with already established market share and good brand perception. Even though, building a new brand from the ground up takes time (proximately three years) this alternative is highly recommended. DeWalt brand saws have a very high brand recognition and durability. Additionally, this product line will be offered in a new color: Yellow. The color that indicates safety and can easily be recognized and differentiated by customers. Timeline Spring -begin advertisements with print by using our sub-branding method -sub branding would emphasis on the new name De-Walt -prepare for manufacturing and distribution of product for upcoming summer Summer -hold a press conference inviting various professional tradesmen, small and large corporations such as construction companies and small business owners to introduce the new product line and hold demonstrations -offer sample test tools to professional tradesmen set up workshops using the new sub-branded power tools to generate a buzz and interest in the new products which would be available for purchase soon -begin distribution among large retailers as well as club stores -increase advertisement both in print, radio and television September -evaluate sales -take market surveys of those using the new sub branded product line December -continue to offer demonstrations on the use of the new line -decrease advertisement efforts -offer holiday packages to encourage families to purchase the new product lines for their husbands, fathers, brothers etc. for the upcoming holidays -have successfully created a positive outlook and increased market share and sales of the new sub branded product line by the end of the year

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The History of the Palladian Window

The History of the Palladian Window A Palladian window is a specific design, a large, three-section window where the center section is arched and larger than the two side sections. Renaissance architecture and other buildings in classical styles often have Palladian windows. On Adam or Federal style houses, a more spectacular window is often in the center of the second story - often a Palladian window. Why Would You Want a Palladian Window in a New Home? Palladian windows are generally enormous in size - even larger than so-called picture windows. They allow a great deal of sunlight to enter the interior, which, in modern times, would maintain that indoor-outdoor intent. Yet you would rarely find a Palladian window in a Ranch style home, where picture windows are common. So, whats the difference? Palladian windows project a more stately and formal feeling. House styles that are designed to be informal, like the Ranch style or Arts and Crafts, or created for the budget-minded, like the Minimal Traditional home, would look silly with an overly large, Renaissance-era Italian window like the Palladian window. Picture windows often come in three sections, and even three-sectioned slider windows may have grids with circular tops, but these are not Palladian style windows. So, if you have a very large house and you want to express a formality, consider a new Palladian window - if its in your budget. Definitions of Palladian Window Window having a broad arched central section with lower flat-headed side portions. - G. E. Kidder Smith, Source Book of American Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press, 1996, p. 646 A window of large size, characteristic of neoclassic styles, divided by columns or piers resembling pilasters, into three lights, the middle one of which is usually wider than the others, and is sometimes arched. - Â   Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, Cyril M. Harris, ed., McGraw- Hill, 1975, p. 527 The Name Palladian The term Palladian comes from Andrea Palladio, a Renaissance architect whose work inspired some of the greatest buildings throughout Europe and the United States. Modeled after classical Greek and Roman forms, such as the arched windows of the Baths of Diocletian, Palladios buildings often featured arched openings. Most famously, the three-part openings of the Basilica Palladiana (c. 1600) directly inspired todays Palladian windows, including the window in the 18th century Dumfries House in Scotland shown on this page. Other Names for Palladian Windows Venetian Window: Palladio did not invent the three-part design that was used for the Basilica Palladiana in Venice, Italy, so this type of window is sometimes called Venetian after the city of Venice. Serliana Window: Sebastiano Serlio was a 16th century architect and author of an influential series of books, Architettura. The Renaissance was a time when architects borrowed ideas from each other. The three-part column and arch design used by Palladio had been illustrated in Serlianas books, so some people give him the credit. Examples of Palladian Windows Palladian windows are common wherever an elegant touch is desired. George Washington had one installed at his Virginia home, Mount Vernon, to illuminate the large dining room. Dr. Lydia Mattice Brandt has described it as one of the houses most distinctive features. In the United Kingdom, the Mansion House in Ashbourne has been remodeled with a Diocletian window AND a Palladian window over the the front door. The Wedding Cake House in Kennebunk, Maine, a Gothic Revival pretender, has a Palladian window on the second story, over the fanlight over the front door. Source Serliana, The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture, Third Edition, by John Fleming, Hugh Honour, and Nikolaus Pevsner, Penguin, 1980, p. 295

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why school lunches should be picked up by the childrens parents Essay

Why school lunches should be picked up by the childrens parents - Essay Example Balanced diet not only helps them in their physical growth but also ensures mental alertness that facilitates their academic advancements. Also, the increasing concern of rapidly growing obesity amongst children in America has emerged as major social problem. In US, in the last three decades, and obesity in children and adolescent has nearly tripled (HHS News, 2001, ref.1). At the same time, lack of proper nourishment amongst children coming from impoverished families of immigrants, have compounded the problem of academia where children are not able to cope with the stress of the education curricula. In such a scenario, school lunches serve as vital linkages for creating facilitating environment for improved academic results and healthy eating habits. Thesis statement School lunches would help inculcate better eating habits amongst children and thereby help arrest the increasing tendency of obesity amongst American children. Rationale for the proposal Good nutrition and healthy food significantly contributes to a child’s proper growth and general well being that helps to improve his or her academic achievements. In the increasing pluralistic society, the diversity of race, income and nationality has brought forth huge social problems of conflicting ideologies and wide income disparity. The children living in impoverished conditions in the neighborhood colonies have inadvertently become innocent victim of the time. Delgade (2005) asserts that in 2000, 35.7% of Latino population was less than 18 years of age and therefore, in 20 years of time, there will be lot more younger Latinos. There is huge number of dropouts because of many reasons, not the least important being poverty and lack of will to educate themselves. US census corroborates his statement and confirms that that by 2050, Latinos will reach 25% of the total U.S. population (US Census, 1999). This is staggering number could create mammoth social problem if the low literacy problem amongst childr en of the immigrant and impoverished families is not addresses urgently. Mid day lunch in schools would provide them with healthy food and help meet their physical, mental and emotional need when they would be better able to contribute positively to their academic grades. Obesity amongst children of mainstream American population is another worrying aspect which must be tackled in more effective manner. CDC data reveals that from 1980 to 2008, childhood obesity had increased from 6.5% to nearly 20% for 6-11 year olds and 5% to 18% for 12-19 year olds. Studies have shown that fat intake of children in US has inadequate amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates, but excessive amounts of fats. The increasing tendency towards fast food promotes sedentary lifestyle which causes obesity (Ebbeling et al., 2002; Smith, 1999). The widespread ramifications of obesity considerably increase risks to life and health. Diseases like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabete s are some of the major by products of obesity. The children therefore must be encouraged towards healthy dietary habits and active lifestyle. Solution to the problem The advancing technology has covertly promoted sedentary lifestyle amongst children as children have become addicted to the computers, television and mobile phones. This has also resulted in bad eating habits and erratic schedule. The increasing consumption of fast food and aerated drinks by amongst children and adolescents are the major causes for their obese and overweight problems as they are high on calories and low on nourishment. The policy of school lunch for students during school hours, therefore, becomes highly relevant for children as it would encourage healthy diet at the right time. The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is painting relevant in the contemporary art world Essay

Is painting relevant in the contemporary art world - Essay Example The essay "Is painting relevant in the contemporary art world" discusses the relevance of the painting to the contemporary art world. This medium is painting. Although painting has continually reinvented itself throughout modern history (from the Renaissance to Modernism), it has slowly fallen out of the spotlight in major art competitions as technique has regressed behind the initial idea and aesthetic quality of a particular piece. Despite this, art in general has the innate ability to transform itself continuously and fluidly throughout the course of history in the western world. â€Å"We can see the destruction and de-construction of painting throughout the progression of movements that we have endured over the past 80 years† (Pearce). But is painting dead in today’s art world? Painting is constrained by numerous limitations which the artist is confined to work within. A painting lacks motion, is bounded by only two-dimensions and is confined by space, size and mobi lity, as the work is restricted by the choice of canvas. Because or despite these limitations, contemporary artists have taken a drastically different approach to painting. â€Å"Fast-forward to today’s modern art scene, where young British artist Damien Hirst can knock out ‘spin paintings’ – haphazard blurs of color scattered from a stepladder – in a matter of hours, and then sell them for $18,000. While he at least put paint on canvas, Hirst’s most famous pieces are light years away from the brush work of the old masters†.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rising Oil Prices Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rising Oil Prices - Research Proposal Example Fuel prices have risen and affected every nation in the world since the early years of this decade. Nandia Mongia (2008) reports that crude oil prices have increased in the world market from 22 U.S. Dollars up to almost $90 U.S. Dollars per barrel. This affected the prices of petroleum products like diesel, kerosene, propane, and gasoline and hit lower-income households. Figure 1 shows the rising trend of oil products from 2000 up to 2006. Mongia (2008) mentions five (5) reasons for the rising of oil prices: (1) increasing demands for oil in the world market, (2) reduction of buffers, (3) uncertain oil supply, (4) assumption in the global oil market, and (5) lack of investments on exploration and refining. Robert Hirsch et al. (2005) mentions the notion of oil peaking. They note as perceived by geologists, oil is a limited source found under the earth's crust and its production will soon reach its peak or maximum and from there production will decline. They also emphasize that oil peaking is not related with running out of oil but it only describes the maximum production rate of an oil reservoir when half of its oil is recovered. (Hirsh et al. 2005) Oil peaking can be attributed to rising oil prices since the decreasing supply of oil may not meet the required demand so prices will go up in order to decrease the demand. Figure 2 explains the shift of the supply curve (S1 - S2) and the rise of equilibrium price ($1 - $2 ) because of the decrease in oil production. Figure 2 C. Implications of the Rise in Oil Prices Mongia (2008) finds that the macroeconomic effects of the increase in prices of oil are not yet seen. As shown in Figure 3, the inflation brought by the increase in the average price of crude in 2000's was matched by the growth of the world's real GDP although signs of slowdown were seen. For the developing countries in Asia, the effects of inflation hampered GDP growth which has not changed since 2004. (Mongia 2008) Oliver Blanchard and Jordi Gali (2008) prove four (4) reasons for the mild impacts of the recent oil price increase: (1) lack of adverse shocks which happened in the 1970's, (2) lesser share of oil in production, (3) highly flexible labor markets, and (4) enhancements in the monetary policy. Figure 3 (Real GDP Growth, Crude Price 1990 - 2006) On the other hand, the microeconomic effects of the rise in oil prices were experienced by the poor. As stated by Mongia (2008), many developing countries are oil dependent and spend more resources on importing oil. Poor households use petroleum products like kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, diesel, gasoline, and chemical fertilizers in their daily living. The rise of in the prices of oil will force them to use other sources like biomass or fuel wood and crop remains. These effects will harm some Millennium

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Great Big Turnip | Analysis

The Great Big Turnip | Analysis Introduction: Our choice of storybook is The Great Big Turnip edited by Bob Williams, published by KohWai and Young. This book is appropriate for children aged four to six as it is specially designed and created to assist children who have mastered basic reading skills. Marchado (2010) states that the success of any book for young children depends on its presentation of basic human tasks, needs, and concerns based on childrens perceptions, and at a level at which they can respond (p. 289). Thus, after examining our selected choices of books, we decided to choose The Great Big Turnip because it has met many aspects of selecting the right book for young children. The story revolves around a farmer who had discovered a giant turnip in his garden. He could not pull it out alone hence he sought help from his family members and other animals in the house. Together, they managed to pull the turnip out of the ground and enjoyed plenty of food for many years. From this synopsis, the story is able to inculcate the value of teamwork in the readers as it teaches that joint effort makes it easier to complete a task. Its print and vibrant illustrations had captivated us instantaneously. The language used is age appropriate for children to learn and comprehend. The moral of the story is that we should always help others when they are in need, even if you may think that your help is insignificant. Literary elements: Plot: The plot is good because it creates suspense in the story to develop the childrens interest in reading the book. It is also simple and straightforward as it focuses on how the farmer gets help to pull the giant turnip out of the ground. Machado (2010) states that simple plot necessitated by the length of a picture book allows young children to become involved immediately in action, discover problem, and understand the resolution (p. 289). The story is in a chronological order as it unfolds sequentially. In the beginning on page 3, it talks about the farmer planting turnip seeds on the ground. In the middle on page 7, the farmer asked his wife for help when he could not pull the turnip out all by himself. Eventually, they still needed more people to help out. On page 14, it reveals how the turnip was pulled out from the ground. From the plot, readers are able to pick out problem-solving skills from the characters, such as asking for assistance. The climax of the story happens on page 13 when six more characters were involved in pulling the turnip out of the ground, and it arrests the childrens attention to find out how the characters overcome the situation. Characterization: The characters in the storybook are life like as they appear like normal living being. Machado (2010) states that characters should be portrayed realistically and have experiences and emotions with which children can immediately identify (p. 289). Thus, this book has definitely met the book selection criteria. The protagonist in the story is a farmer. As the story continues, other characters develop one after another throughout the story to help the farmer. The story does not talk about the characters past, present and future as it focuses on how the farmer gets help from his family to pull the big turnip out of the ground. Based on the farmers dialogue, it shows that he is a jovial person. On page 5 and 7, the farmer was elated to find out that his plant had grown into an enormous turnip. At the end of the story on page 16, the farmer shows a sense of happiness as it states that the happy farmer ate turnip for years (William, 2002). Besides, this book also portrays an array of emotions based on the other characters dialogue on page 7, 9 and 11. It shows excitement yet their struggles in pulling out the turnip. Setting: The farmers garden is the main location where the story took place during daytime. Based on a western context, readers are able to visualize a realistic event that occurred in the story which helps to build on their prior knowledge of the images. Theme: The theme of the story is able to relate to childrens understandings, needs and interests because underlying concept educates the importance of teamwork and unity. The farmer would not be able to pull the big turnip out of the ground without the help of his wife, son, daughter, dog, cat and mouse. It shows the significance of working towards a goal in harmony; oneness of mind. Style and Diction: The language used is simple and age-appropriate for children aged four to six. The language used is able to create mood from text such as exclaimed, cried and excited. The story involves a careful choice of words and rhythm such as they all pulled and pulled, but the turnip still would not come out! With a predictable text, children are able to participate by reading aloud to themselves or a storyteller. And the book contains good diction as it contains phrases like eyes popped out from her head, luckily, fell backwards in a heap. Point of View: The author used a third person point of view to write the story using pronoun like He, She and They. Objective point of view was used in the story as the author only tells what happen without stating more than [what] can be inferred from the storys action and dialogue (Literature, No Date). Stereotypes: It is not reflected in the storybook. Personification: It is not reflected in the storybook. Visual elements The picture-books visual variety would kindle the interests of the children and arrest their visual attention. It is slightly smaller than an A4-sized book which words inside are of Arial font and appropriate font size. The space in between words and line spacing are not cluttered. Hence, this popular fairytale facilitates easy one-on-one readings and independent reading. Cover page: On the cover page, yellow, embroidered images on the borders of The Great Big Turnip give volume to the title and front illustrations. Every word in the title is capitalised and dark turquoise in colour. Below the title is a bright and colourful cartoon of the climax of the story, which is also slightly similar to the cartoon on page 14 and page 15. The clever illustration will intrigue readers as it shows just the giant turnip spinning out of the soil and several characters falling behind. It allows readers to think about what happened in the story. Texture: Illustrations are two-dimensional which gives a visual texture and promotes imagery development. Line: Heavy lines used give more precision and curved lines used depict fluidity which brings the characters to life. Jagged lines can be found on page 15s illustration of the spinning turnip, which enables the readers to sense danger. Colour and Shape: Furthermore, the cartoon characters stand out more as additional colours and geometric shapes are used to allow the reader to clearly differentiate all of them. Illustrations from page 13 are good examples, as when the characters are pulling the turnip out, the reader would not focus on other things such as the house far away or even the forest in the background. Colours such as brown used compliment the settings like the farmers wooden house and the soil in his garden. There is also more assertion and rigidity in the illustration of the farmer due to the geometric shapes used (Scott, 1989). Free-form shapes such as the cursive ends of the turnip on page 15 enable the reader to imagine the great amount of force when the turnip was pulled out (Scott, 1989). All in all, the visual elements of the picture-book nurture visual literacy which builds on the language development of child. They allow the facilitating readability and influencing recall of the text (Machado, 2010).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay example -- English Literatur

To Kill a Mockingbird Test Question 1 As readers, we saw Scout mature and grow as our narorater and as a person. She learned many things, but also lost many things. As she grew up and changed, she began to see how things really were, and gained the knowledge of the pure hate that one man can show another. Scout lost her innocence when she found this out. She began to see how cruel the world can be to someone who is a little different or strange. She saw this in the prejudice that was shown to Tom Robinson, Walter Cunningham, Miss Maudie and even herself. She gained the wisdom of the world outside her back door and began to see how society works. Although this may not have been a good thing, she could now see how unimportant it was. Who cared if one was not up high on the social ladder? Atticus taught Jem and Scout to be polite, caring kids. He instilled in them a great sense of love for their neighbor and told them things that would help them get on in life. Scout was very lucky to have someone to guide her along the way. Although she was faced with â€Å"the real world†, she had lots of people who would willingly explain to her and guide her. Scout really matured during the course of this book. She went from a six year old child with no knowledge of the real world to an about ten year old who had a lot of life’s most important lessons shown to her at a very young age. She had to learn, very quickly, that life would not always be easy and fun. She learned of the horrible ways men can treat other men and of the ugliness of station, poverty and hate. To say that Scout would of never found out about these is incorrect. She would of found out about them within due course, but to find out at nine or ten must have been a culture shock for her! Scout was a very brave little girl to accept, reflect, and reject this ugly knowledge that she gained. If she had just been able to keep the innocence of childhood that she lost, she would have been much better off. We cannot let children face the ugliness that Scout learned of. It was too much, to fast, even for someone so smart. We must show love to everyone so that our children will show love. To Kill a Mockingbird Test Question 2 The author, Harper Lee, picked an interesting person to narrate the story. This had some advantages and disadvantages as the story progressed. This writing te... ...o the story. Without him, the story might have been about Atticus prosecuting Tom instead of defending him. To Kill a Mockingbird Test Question 8 Harper Lee once called this book ‘a simple love story’. Critics today call it an icon of American literature. Why can we not call it both? The book is a love story between the children and Boo Radley. But critics say it was so mush more than that! It truly was. Harper Lee used so many literary tecniques, characterizations, relationship developments and so many other things even the greatest literary master probably couldn’t tell you what this book means. But why can’t a book be both? A Wrinkle in Time is a great adventure book but it’s also a great Newberry award winner. So can Harper Lee’s simple love story between three children and a man not wanting to be pulled into society’s drowning currents be one of the greatest books ever written? A book that has so many hidden and double meanings be one of the most well respected and loved books in all of America? Can a book that touches on so many issues that are still alive today and that peaks to every one of us in a special way be on of the most sold and read books in the world? Yes.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Simple Pendulum Lab

The Simple Pendulum Objective and Background Objective: The Objective of this experiment is to examine the simple harmonic motion and to determine the value of the acceleration due to gravity from the analysis of the period of the simple pendulum. [1] Background: There are three equations that will be used to calculate the period of motion of the simple pendulum. They are the slope of the line of the graph of T? against L, and the gravity of the pendulum motion.The period of the motion is the time needed for one complete cycle that a pendulum bob swing from the initial position to the other end, and then back to the initial position. [1] The equation to calculate period is, T = 2? Lg Where, T = Period of the motion, measured in s. L = Length of the pendulum, measured in cm. g = Acceleration due to gravity, measured in m/s2. The slope of the line in the graph of T? against L can be used to determine the gravity of the pendulum motion. It is because, y = mx m = T? L= 4 g = Slope of the line in the graph T? /L. Therefore, to find the gravity of the pendulum motion, we can use the slope of the graph.The slope of the graph is given by the formula, g = 4 m g = Acceleration due to gravity, measured in m/s?. Procedure and Observations Materials: * String * Metre Stick * Stop watch * Stand * Pendulum bob Procedure: 1) Materials listed above were taken for the experiment. 2) The pendulum bob was tied tightly with the string. 3) The string with the pendulum bob was hung on the stand. ) A meter stick was used to measure the distance between the centre of mass of the bob and the top of the string. 5) The distance was recorded in the observation table. 6) The pendulum ball was held at a distance from the centre and it was released. 8) A stop watch was used to time the time needed to complete ten cycles. 9) The time was recorded in the observation table. 10) Steps 4-7 were repeated four more times with different lengths. Observations: L (m)| 10T (s)| 0. 185| 9. 01| 0. 39| 14. 13| 0. 595| 15. 04| 0. 79| 17. 58| 1| 19. 67|Diagram of the Pendulum Figure [ 1 ] Calculations and Results Method 1 – Graph of T2 vs. L Data collected L(m)| T2(s2)| 0. 18| 0. 81| 0. 39| 1. 99| 0. 59| 2. 37| 0. 79| 3. 09| 1| 3. 86| Hand drawn graph ?x ?y Figure [ 2 ] The slope can be determined by m=? x? y. So, by taking a value for x x = 0. 4 cm y must then be y = 1. 4 cm m= 1. 4 cm0. 4 cm m=3. 5 The error would be given by ?mm= ? x1x12+ ? x2x22 ?m= m 0. 051. 42+ 0. 050. 42 ?m= 3. 5 0. 051. 42+ 0. 050. 42 ?m=0. 45 The acceleration due to gravity is given by g=4? 2m g=4? 23. 5 g=4? 23. 5 g=11. m/s2 Calculating the error for g would yield ?gg= ? mm2 ?g= g 0. 453. 52 ?g= 11. 30. 453. 52 ?g= 1. 45 m/s2 g=11. 3 m/s2 Â ± 1. 45 m/s2 Solving for the percentage deviation would give % deviation= Actual value-Expected valueExpected value* 100% Expected value=9. 8 m/s2 % deviation= 11. 3 m/s2-9. 8 m/s29. 8 m/s2*100% % deviation= 11. 3 m/s2-9. 8 m/s29. 8 m/s2*100% % deviation= 15. 3% Me thod 2 – Linear Regression Excel graph Figure [ 3 ]The equation of the line is given by T2 = 3. 53L + 0. 33 Where m=3. 53 The acceleration due to gravity is given by =4? 2m g=4? 23. 53 g=4? 23. 53 g=11. 1 m/s2 Solving for the percentage deviation would give % deviation= Actual value-Expected valueExpected value* 100% Expected value=9. 8 m/s2 % deviation= 11. 1 m/s2-9. 8 m/s29. 8 m/s2*100% % deviation= 11. 1 m/s2-9. 8 m/s29. 8 m/s2*100% % deviation= 13. 2% Conclusion By comparing these two methods of calculating the acceleration due to gravity it is clearly noticeable that there is a difference between the two, when it comes to the accuracy. When calculating g using the hand drawn graph method it yielded =11. m/s2 Â ± 1. 45 m/s2. However, when using the linear regression method on excel, it yielded g=11. 1 m/s2. This is clearly closer to the expected value of 9. 8 m/s2. There are several reasons contributing to the conclusion that linear regression is more accurate, than meas uring calculating the slope off of a hand drawn graph. First of all, computers are much more accurate than humans. There is no denying the fact that humans are not perfect and no hand drawn graph will be as precise as a computer drawn graph.A ruler was being used, which may lead to believe that the line is perfectly straight, whereas it is actually not. This is clearly noticeable when one zooms in on a hand drawn graph. Another problem with the ruler is that no matter how hard one tries to measure the distance between two different points, one will never be able to get the exact distance. Computers however, Excel in this case, draw perfectly straight lines. Also the location of line of best fit line, in the hand drawn part of the experiment, was estimated, which obviously leads to an inaccurate result.Excel however, uses the calculation of linear regression to draw the line of best fit and this is extremely accurate, since the exact slope is being calculated by Excel. It is clear th at the method of linear regression is more accurate by looking at the percentage deviations for each method. The % deviation for the hand drawn graph yielded 15. 3%, whereas the percentage deviation for the linear regression method only was 13. 2% Even though the linear regression method was more accurate than the hand drawn method, there was still a pretty significant difference, between that value, namely g=11. m/s2, and the expected value of 9. 8 m/s2. This is due to a few sources of error when this experiment was conducted. One of the errors that contributed to this difference was that the length of the string was not exactly measured. Thus, the relation between the length and the period was wrong, leading to false results. Another reason that contributed to the inaccuracy was the fact that when the bob was not swinging the way it was supposed to. It was only supposed to have a linear motion, but it had a slight circular motion, which of course lead to a longer period.This again resulted in a wrong relation between the period and the length, leading to a wrong result. There was another major aspect to the experiment that lead to this result. Namely the fact one could not tell where the bob actually started its swinging motion exactly; therefore the exact period could not be measured with the stopwatch. It is evident however, that if these errors could have been avoided, the acceleration due to gravity could have been calculated very accurately using the method of linear regression. References [1] PCS 125 Laboratory Manual, 2008

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Say Thank You in Japanese by Using Arigatou

How to Say 'Thank You' in Japanese by Using 'Arigatou' If you are in Japan, you will probably hear the word arigatou (㠁‚り㠁Å'㠁 ¨Ã£ â€ ) used on a regular basis. It is an informal way of saying thank you. But it can also be used in conjunction with other words to say thank you in Japanese in more formal settings, such as an office or a shop or anywhere where manners matter. Common Ways of SayingThank You There are two common ways of saying thank you formally: arigatou gozaimasu and arigatou gozaimashita. You would use the first phrase in a setting like an office when addressing a social superior. For example, if your boss brings you a cup of coffee or offers praise for a presentation you gave, youd thank her by saying, arigatou  gozaimasu. Written out, it looks like this:  Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£ Å'㠁 ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢. You can also use this phrase in less formal settings as a more general expression of thanks, either for something someone has done or will do for you.    The second phrase is used to thank someone for a service, transaction, or something that someone has done for you. For example, after a clerk has wrapped and bagged your purchase, you would thank him by saying arigatou  gozaimashita. Written out, it looks like this: 㠁‚り㠁Å'㠁 ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿ. Grammatically, the difference between the two phrases is in the tense. In Japanese, the past tense is indicated by adding mashita to the end of a verb. For example, ikimasu (è ¡Å'㠁 Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢ ) is the present tense of the verb to go, while ikimashita (è ¡Å'㠁 Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿ) is the past tense.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on An Ethical Dilemna

An Ethical Dilemna Dilemma- Taken from: Business Ethics - Ethical Decision Making and Cases A Real Life Situation pages 62-63 By: O.C. Farrell Sandy was one of only a handful of women who had broken through the â€Å"glass ceiling† and made their way into management. She had proved to the men around her that she deserved the job, and she was now being toasted by assistant managers from other plants across the country John, her boss, had been her advocate with the company. He had personally lobbied upper management in her behalf. Unity Welding and Construction is a national firm with twenty fabrication plants, primarily in the South. The company does contract work for other companies that require welding or fabrication of metals into items used in the construction of aircraft, ships, bridges, and component parts for consumer durables. Each plant caters to specific industries. Sandy’s plant produces parts primarily for the automotive industry and is located in Arizona. Arizona is perfect f or Sandy because of her acute asthma problems. As a teenager, she once visited relatives in Atlanta and had to be hospitalized because of her reactions to the different plants and foliage. Sandy’s doctor told her at the time that she would have fewer problems with her asthma if she resided in one of the arid regions of the United States. Six months had passed since Sandy’s promotion, and her first performance rating from John was excellent. John told her that if she continued this type of performance, she would probably be a plant manager in three to six years. Sandy developed some innovative ways to increase productivity during her six months on the job. For example, she successfully implemented a â€Å"team concept,† which gave responsibility for certain proje... Free Essays on An Ethical Dilemna Free Essays on An Ethical Dilemna An Ethical Dilemna Dilemma- Taken from: Business Ethics - Ethical Decision Making and Cases A Real Life Situation pages 62-63 By: O.C. Farrell Sandy was one of only a handful of women who had broken through the â€Å"glass ceiling† and made their way into management. She had proved to the men around her that she deserved the job, and she was now being toasted by assistant managers from other plants across the country John, her boss, had been her advocate with the company. He had personally lobbied upper management in her behalf. Unity Welding and Construction is a national firm with twenty fabrication plants, primarily in the South. The company does contract work for other companies that require welding or fabrication of metals into items used in the construction of aircraft, ships, bridges, and component parts for consumer durables. Each plant caters to specific industries. Sandy’s plant produces parts primarily for the automotive industry and is located in Arizona. Arizona is perfect f or Sandy because of her acute asthma problems. As a teenager, she once visited relatives in Atlanta and had to be hospitalized because of her reactions to the different plants and foliage. Sandy’s doctor told her at the time that she would have fewer problems with her asthma if she resided in one of the arid regions of the United States. Six months had passed since Sandy’s promotion, and her first performance rating from John was excellent. John told her that if she continued this type of performance, she would probably be a plant manager in three to six years. Sandy developed some innovative ways to increase productivity during her six months on the job. For example, she successfully implemented a â€Å"team concept,† which gave responsibility for certain proje...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Two topices you can choice (The finance of public transportation or Essay

Two topices you can choice (The finance of public transportation or The implementation of recycling programs) about ubran studies - Essay Example What the core problem is that a society in which a recycling program is considered ineffective; actually lacks experience, for these programs provide better and better results with proper development with time. What happens with a common household ‘dustbin’ or a ‘garbage-can’, as most people would refer it to, is that after being filled to its brim it starts to spill the waste out, evidently due to the limited space it has for the purpose of storing garbage. But space doesn’t matter nowadays, does it? One can clearly incinerate the garbage and use the dustbin for collecting more garbage and then incinerate that too, but would the ‘effects’ of that burning garbage be healthy for the environment? Of course most people don’t tend to care about it and consider using their resources to better purposes than caring about the environment, but would the ‘cost’ of constantly burning that garbage, the ‘energy’ used in clearing the bin and the transportation of that garbage be so minor to be easily sacrificed? Our planet is the metaphorical ‘dust bin’ and clearly we (humans) have polluted it for long, but it is only now that emphasis is being laid on the preservation of our resources and our environment; reflecting that our environmental condition has reached a critical point. The latest effort to preserve what’s left of our once rich environment and to clean what we have messed up, includes recycling; the reprocessing of materials to save fresh raw materials, energy and save the environment from numerous pollutants. Recycling programs are methods or ways we adopt which consequently help us recycle. To address the issue of their implementation in urban areas we must first consider the importance and the need of recycling programs in urban areas. Developed cities tend to be more artificial with respect to the natural environment and the more different they are the more harm they cause. Take a big metropolitan

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mild Mental Retardation Related focused on pediatric population and Research Paper

Mild Mental Retardation Related focused on pediatric population and communication disorders - Research Paper Example To establish a diagnosis of mental retardation, the intelligence has to be atleast 2 standard deviations less than the mean intelligent quotient. Mental retardation can be categorized into mild, moderate, severe and profound based on the intelligent quotient and of these, mild mental retardation (MMR) accounts for more than 85 percent of the cases. The intelligent quotient is between 50-55 to 70 and the standard deviation below mean is 2-3. According to Reschly (2009), "MMR was the official designation of a level of MR that involved current intellectual functioning performance between 2 and 3 standard deviations below the population mean and significant limitations in some, but not all, facets of everyday adaptive functioning." The DSM (2005) criteria for mental retardation includes "significantly sub-average intellectual functioning- an IQ of approximately 70 or below, trouble with functioning in multiple areas of life and onset before age 18." Since those with MMR do not have much biological or physical involvement, there is no biological stigmata associated with the diagnosis (Nadelson, 2001). On the other hand, in those with levels of mental retardation beyond MMR, the diagnosis is often made in preschool years and the setting of identification is usually a health care system (Reschly, 2009). The comprehensiveness of the individual is poor and affects performance of the individuals in all social setting and also functional roles. Biological stigmata is always present with the diagnosis (Reschly, 2009). Diagnosis of MMR is often complex and also controversial because of lack of unequivocal symptoms and signs (Hegde and Pomaville, 2008). The diagnosis of MMR was recognized formally about a century ago and has been described in the earlier versions of American Association on Mental Retardation Disabilities (Reschly, 2009). When compared to other levels of mental retardation, MMR is usually not diagnosed until the child attains school age and the diagnosis usua lly occurs subsequent to referral from the class teacher of the child for suboptimal academic performance. Individuals with MMR typically do not exhibit any physical characteristics, neither do they have much impairment of comprehension (Reschly, 2009). When compared to other levels of mental retardation, MMR is usually not diagnosed until the child attains school age and the diagnosis usually occurs subsequent to referral from the class teacher of the child for suboptimal academic performance. Individuals with MMR typically do not exhibit any physical characteristics, neither do they have much impairment of comprehension (Reschly, 2009). Recent formulations for grading the severity of mental retardation are based on the levels of support needed rather than intelligent quotient. This is because; support levels are anyway related conceptually to impairment levels. Four levels of support are described in this regard and they are analogous to the four levels of impairment used earlier (Reschley, 2009). In this essay, communication problems, their evaluation tools, and treatment will be discussed with reference to MMR. Since there are several causes of MMR and it is beyond the purview of this essay to discuss them, one cause of MMR, the William syndrome will be discussed. Speech and language characteristics of the disorder The permanence in MMR is variable and its identification is unlike during preschool age period and adulthood.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

History and Analysis of city Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History and Analysis of city - Assignment Example Located at north latitude of 39 degrees 56’ and east longtitude of 116 degrees 20’, Beijing grandly reposing along the north most part of the north China plain; along with the northwest is the Shanxi province and inner Mongolian plain, and from the east is the Bohai sea. Among the neighborhood provinces are the Hebei province and Tianjin to the southeast. Beijing as being considered as one of the three mega cities of China under the direct jurisdiction of the central government is divided into 10 districts and 8 respective counties. The people of Beijing are enjoying the moderate continental climate. 600 to 700 millimeters is the average rainfall Beijing receives yearly and much of it falls in late June, July, and August. Spring is dry and dusty and the best season being considered in Beijing, as well as in the whole of China is the autumn. Beijing serves as the political and cultural center of the modern China. It was the considered as the capital of many dynasties dur ing the past, ancient times. Everything in this place picturesque the aura of the past history, battles, origins and the sensations present in this place will lead encourage anyone to feel the deep respect for the city that holds stories dated back to its origin. Taihang Mountains Beijing claimed to be a gulf by the historians and geologist two to three million years ago. The geographical distribution of Beijing is very significant to be called â€Å"Beijing Gulf†. Beijing is enclosed by Taihang Mountains located at the west and Yanshan to the north, to the east is the Bohai Bay and in front of the Hebei plain to the south. According to geologist and historians, the melting of ice and snow during spring carried enormous amount of mud from the mountains to the gulf. This was transformed to be alluvial plain and is now known to be Beijing. Mountains that surround Beijing serves as the protection cover from the northern strong winds. From the east part blew the wet air, huge pla in stretched far to the southland and wide lengthy rivers and streams are some of the features that this place is made suitable environment for human to live and settle down. Inhabitants of this place are also blessed with temperate climate and plentiful rainfall that suits to agricultural activities. History of Beijing Peking Man Anthropologist’s claim that evidences shows manifestations that more than half a million years ago, in the southwest suburbs lived a Peking man. Climate condition during that time was warmer and compared to the present climate of Beijing. Relics of the Peking man was found as well as the stone tools, how the fire was used up to the tools being used way back 18000 ago. It is considered as the earliest cultural relics China have recorded in the history. The true significance of the city’s origin, tracing back 2,000 years ago, started in the period of the Western Zou Dynasty dated 11th century BC to 771 BC. The feudal lords during this time were given by the emperor plots of land in which one of the plot given was called â€Å"Ji City†. This is considered as the first city in Beijing history. During the Eastern Zhou Period dated 476 BC to 221 BC, the Ji kingdom was abolished and replace by â€Å"Yan Kingdom† but JI remains as the capital during that time. When china was unified by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Beijing has been considered as a strategic place in China’s northern part. Beijing was called â€Å"

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Truman Show Essay Example for Free

The Truman Show Essay Life’s remorseless nature presents uncontrollable situations to everyone at the most unexpected times. Like any game of cards, life deals a set of cards that a player is forced to play. This is known as agency; the concept that each human individual within a culture has the ability to determine and choose by free will his or her actions. Some prime examples that shine this principle is Viktor Frankl’s â€Å"Man’s Search for Meaning†, Albert Camus’, â€Å"The Guest†, Franz Kafka’s, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, and Christof’s film, â€Å"The Truman show. † In each example, a third party advocate interferes and inhabits each protagonist into a controlled setting where the protagonists are confronted with a moral dilemma. In Frankl’s, â€Å"Man’s Search for Meaning†, the â€Å"dealer† inhabits Frankl in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. Unlike the other protagonists, Frankl possesses a psychological background and uses his knowledge to a great advantage. Frankl is able to analyze his brutal experiences in the camps to provide somewhat of a guide for those who are having trouble finding meaning in their lives even in the harshest environments. Like all the other protagonists Frankl is given a moral dilemma; whether he should dwell and suffer from electric fence syndrome or make something out of his experience and give inspiration to those who are in need. The central focus that Frankl was trying to reach to the readers was that no matter what type of suffering a person endures, as long as they hold onto their faith that everything happens for a reason, they can survive. By believing that everything happens for a reason, individuals are able to weather the storms of their lives with the strength and determination to overcome. For Frankl, he was able to weather his journey by living by his word and believing that he had a future after his captivity. Camus’ story, â€Å"The Guest†, is about choices. Daru, the schoolmaster, is an isolated man, who lives in a schoolhouse on a high plateau and he remains alone because his students no longer attend class. He lives in the schoolhouse away from civilization which shows that he is isolated geographically and emotionally. One day, Balducci the officer, arrives with a prisoner and he forces Daru to take responsibility for him. The prisoner must be brought to the police headquarters in Tinguit. Daru is surprised by the orders and tells Balducci that this task should not be done by a school teacher. He does not want to be involved with the political conflict, which is why the setting of the isolated schoolhouse is so symbolic. The setting of the story is important since it is during the Algerian war and Balducci tells the schoolteacher that he must follow the orders even if it is not his job, because during war times, everybody must participate. Daru is disgusted by the demands and tells him that he will not obey the orders given to him. By refusing to follow the orders, Daru is making choices that most people would not usually take. People tend to obey authority and do what they are told. In this story, Daru examines man’s moral responsibilities and believes it is wrong to turn the prisoner over to the authorities, yet he realizes that going against the orders might also cause him troubles. So, he avoids making a decision by leaving the prisoner the responsibility for choosing his own way; to turn himself in or to take the path of freedom. No matter what he chooses, there will always be difficulties and acting in good fate will never save you, like existentialists believe. In Franz Kafka’s short story, Metamorphosis, the idea of existentialism is brought out in a subtle, yet definite way. They do not believe in any sort of ultimate power and focus much of their attention on concepts such as dread and boredom. These bonds are not only evident in the work place, but at home too. Being constantly used and abused while in his human form, Gregor’s lifestyle becomes complicated once he becomes a giant insect and is deemed useless. Conflicts and confusion arise primarily between Gregor and his sister Grete, his parents, and his work. Each of these three relationships has different moral and ethical complications defining them. However, it is important for one to keep in mind that Gregor’s metamorphosis has placed him into a position of opposition, and that he has minimal control over the events to take place. Conflicts will also occur between family members as they struggle with the decision of what to do with Gregor. In the end they all come to the agreement that maintaining his uselessness is slowly draining them and they must get rid of him, as he slowly descends with his self-worth, the family begins to realize that Gregor’s worthlessness catalyzed them to make something out of their lives and work. In The Truman Show , there is irony present throughout the whole movie. During most of the film, Truman wanted to leave Seahaven and go explore the world. Once Truman learned that his life was a television show, he realized he would not be as unique if he left. He would not be the center of attention, and now wants to be just an ordinary person outside of Seahaven. Truman tried so desperately to live a conventional lifestyle, while his viewers wanted to be in their own utopian society. Although the show’s creator, Christof, tried to keep Truman in Seahaven, he ultimately could not. Truman’s freewill and control of his own fate led him to discovering the truth about Seahaven, and thus controlling the outcome of his life. He accepted the reality of his life being centered around a television show, but moved on by leaving Seahaven. Although Truman’s artificial world came to an end, he entered reality as he left Seahaven. When Truman was isolated and put inside a society that revolved around him, Christof seemed to have given Truman only shadows of his own perception upon reality. When Truman turns to see what casts the shadows, he is then told that what they have formerly seen has no substance, and that what they now see (the carried objects) constitutes a greater reality. When Truman sees the world outside the show he begins to question his previous beliefs. He has been cut off from the real world and was only shown one side. Truman was so naive and inexperienced that he can only believe everything Christof had described for him. It wasn’t until Truman saw what was happening that he could form his own opinion. This is where his moral dilemma comes in to play; does Truman stay in the utopian society and continue to live obliviously or does he fend for himself and live in the real world where he can perceive things in his own way?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Moralirtys Fickle Mind :: social issues

Moralirty's Fickle Mind If someone were to ask what morality is, what would one say? Some may think of it as integrity and decency, and others may see it as honesty and candor. However, by contrasting what was moral, and immoral in the past, one can clearly see that people’s concept of morality changes over time. Under what circumstances that this conceptual change takes place, one may never know. What many believe is that morality and immorality together have shaped both thinking and society as a whole, as it continues to be the â€Å"guiding light† under many circumstances. One example of our morality-based society proves itself through history. Slavery lasted for over four hundred years. It is apparent that harsh treatment of this manner lasted for such a long period of time because this type of thinking was accepted during those times. Once it was clear that this type of treatment was wrong, many people’s attitudes (other than blacks) changed toward the treatment of African Americans, so it is clear that morality played a key role in the thinking process and the outcome of how one race dominated another and what the result was. However, one must also take into account the fact that the rich and powerful have major influences over way of life; this is apparent even though a democratic society. The general dominating of one people or race over another still lasts to this day, as it is clear through the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Another example of how society has been shaped by morality and immorality is the fact that immorality drove pilgrims from an â€Å"immoral† monarchy and led them to create a â€Å"moral† type of government on their own. However, even though morality seems to lead society in a general good direction, such as taking down Hitler’s army, it does not always lead to the best outcome in many circumstances, such as the taking over of smaller countries by the US, or reinstating the death penalty. Even though this government was created from a lesser, worse government, morality still is taking a few turns to make it the best government possible with amendments and laws. A capitalist society may not always benefit us, together as a people, in all the best ways. But as one can see, it is still apparent that morality, even if it is the morality of the rich and powerful, shapes our way of living.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Army: Sociology and Team Leader

By Groves, Ian, L The importance of being on time and communication With leadership on the first level This paper will tell you why it is imperative to be timely and also to keep good communication with your leadership mainly at the first level. This paper is a result to not showing up on time to a formation, and failing to let someone know what was going on. So now this paper will explain the importance of the ways someone could prevent it from happening to them. Being late makes people look bad and reflects upon the people in charge of them.Leaders are in charge of making sure the people they are in charge of are doing the right thing at all times and keeping them squared away. It is very important and imperative that one be on time to formations, briefs and anything else they are scheduled to do that day because if someone misses a brief or meeting they could miss very important information, every mission has a starting point and if your higher-ups tell you that is when they want to get stuff started. If you’re late that could mean doing push-ups Also, if you’re too late for duty you’re considered AWOL (absent without leave).Usually one should try to be early because being early, is always better than being late, it also reflects positively on you as a person, on your team leader and anyone in charge of them because you are a reflection of your team leader and anything he teaches you. It makes you and them look and seem squared away and on their game and not a lazy unmotivated scum bag. So if you want to impress your upper chain of command it would be a good idea to be at least on time if not early. You’ll look good and impress people hopefully the right people.This paper will also tell you the importance and imperativeness of keeping good communication between you and your team leader at the first line level. â€Å"The purpose of communication is to create new or better awareness. Effective communication implies the clear expres sion of vision and values in order to more easily achieve your goals†, keeping a good communication with your team leader is kind of like being on time to a formation, you could miss important information that your team leader puts out, it could be vital information like when to show up for a formation or brief.All you had to do was contact your team leader before the formation time and tell him/her you were running late and none of this would have happened. You would still get in trouble for being late, but not to such a degree. Communication with leadership and being on time also goes further, even all the way to army values. â€Å"Army Values† is not merely a phrase for how members of the Army should act; they are who we are. We emulate the seven Army Values because they are the standard for behavior, not only in the Army, but in any ordered society†.Communication and loyalty is being faithful to your team leader and telling him what is going on. Trust and comm unication is like your team leader trusting you to communicate with him and you trusting that your team leader will communicate and get you all the information you need. On an important mission it is your duty to get important information to your team leader so that you can get a mission accomplished with as little or no casualties as possible. Respect and communication is having enough respect for your team leader to tell him what is going on because he wants to know what is going on and not telling him would be disrespectful.Well I feel I have got my point across with communication and the army values, there is timeliness and how it involves the army values, It is your duty to be on time because it could mean bad outcomes, imagine you were moving some medical supplies to people who needed it and you were too late. it could mean losing lives. Integrity and timeliness is having the integrity to tell your team leader if you’re running late and taking responsibility for being l ate. in this paper I have told you the importance of being on time and communication even at the lowest level.By telling you this information It should have helped in persuading you to be timely and communicate with others. in this paper there are quotes that have been cited for credibility. This is the importance of time management and communication mainly on the first line level. Communication is very important. Time management is very important. Always do the right thing Sources and citing’s . â€Å"The purpose of communication is to create new or better awareness. Effective communication implies the clear expression of vision and values in order to more easily achieve your goals† Pagonis, William G. lieutenant general â€Å"The Importance of Communication. †Ã‚  The Importance of Communication. Blackhawk Consulting Group, n. d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. . . â€Å"Army Values† is not merely a phrase for how members of the Army should act; they are who we are. We emulate the seven Army Values because they are the standard for behavior, not only in the Army, but in any ordered society†. â€Å"TRADOC News Service. †Ã‚  TRADOC News Service. N. p. , 23 Mar. 2006. Web. 15 Sept. 2012 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

s ‘Patriarchy’ a useful concept anymore?

My personal way of defining patriarchy is a society typically dominated and control by men. Patriarchy shows us how our society functions and how it controls women, including all systems, like work place, home, religion etc, where women are formed and developed to the way men want them to be. It is the opposite of matriarchy, meaning women are the head and in control of families. This quote given by H, Hartman signifies social patriarchy, so it is not naturally suggested but socially. ‘I define patriarchy as a set of social relations which has a material base and in which there are hierarchical relations between men, and solidarity among them, which enables them to control women. [p3, H Hartman: (1982), ‘What about women? ‘; ‘Gender Inequality in Employment', 551. 04 leatures 11 and 12. ] The way in which society used to be, was that once the content of ‘patriarchy' had been established, it was used strongly in every society and in many different ways, creating sexual politics, where men were seen as the dominant sex class and the treatment of women, through this patriarchy system determined their future and success in life. The possibilities for women making choices in every aspect of their own personal life were taken away from them or where very limited because of this patriarchal control that was upon them. In the past the husband was clearly the principal negotiator, with the marriage license being the only exception, where the women would really be going into a life long commitment of serving her husband as a slave. The females main source of learning were things such as learning to spin, sew and weave, and maybe a little reading and writing. The main company that was given to them, were other females, and they lived more or less behind closed doors. The women had a separate section in the house that was located away from the other sections so that communications with males or strangers were barred. While the men when out to work, the women's role was just seen as to be looking after the house and children, and listen to their husbands. ‘The separation of home from work led to a sharper separation of male and female spheres. The world of business outside the home became a male sphere and the world of home and children became a women's one. ‘ [p366, Fulcher & Scott. (1999) Sociology] The husband's leisure and business time were of no business to the wife, domesticity cut women off from business life and public activities in general. In some society's women were degraded, they were seen as objects used for male needs and a simple tool of breeding children. ‘A woman of a particular community, caste or social-economic stratum is raped to ‘teach' that section of the society, in other words, to reproduce the hierarchical structure. ‘[http:marxists. org/archive/marx/work/1884/orgin-family/ch02d. htm]. It was in the mid-1800 when the first signs of the feminist movement came about. In 1961 it was discussed by a man named John Stuart, that the role of women is society during that time, pointing out how the patriarchy placed such an intense limit on what women could do. A time came out when evidence should the existence of a pre-industrial division of labour between men and women. However this existence contained occupational segregation, where the females worked only in female jobs and males concentrated in male jobs. ‘Middleton (1979) argued that women did carry many different agricultural tasks, but it was the men who did the high status work of plouging. ‘ [p367 Fulcher & Scott. (1999) Sociology Family and Household] Job segregation enabled males still to maintain superiority over women, because of the patriarchal relationships in paid work. The labour market urged lower wages for women, so that it would encourage them to marry and stay financial dependant on their husbands. Women were excluded from better jobs than men, to keep their primary responsibilities as the main caregiver for children and family. However in some areas of the pre-industrial society capable women who entered the labour market were forced into part-time and insecure employments, where they would be excluded from promotion. Once they married they had to leave their job, so their personal status would drop back down into the status level as they were when they started off. Also the employment of women alarmed men highly as their position of the male role of head of the household became seen as threatened, especially in the twenty century then demands for labour by women became stronger, and women would no longer be ignored. This was when the ‘family wage' became known, when the male breadwinner would support his family with his earnings, whilst the women's earning were treated as a additional source of income so that their unpaid domestic work would not be interfered with their paid work. It was not until the 1980s that these requirements changed, when recruitment practices of certain companies had referred to the Equals Opportunities Commission. The position of men was altered and the women's position underwent significant changes. More women moved into the labour market and were used less in the homes. With the changing of attitudes towards means of the production, families began to drop away from the ways and ideas of ‘male ownership' with society and the changing attitudes of women's role became stronger. Society needed women to work as men could not fill all the vacancies and they needed women to do the jobs that men would not. More opportunities for young children to go to school were given. ‘Private housekeeping is transformed into a social industry. The care and education of the children became a public affair; society looks after all children alike, whether they are legitimate or not'. [p170, Jodi Dean. (1997) Feminism and the New Democracy] Changes in women's employment have had consequences that we still do not know what will happen in a situation involving children, marriages and other important factors in ones individual life. Countries that have high birth rates now have low birth rates, due to women working. Dramatic changes have also taken place, such as divorce rates rising and single mothers increasing. Organizations themselves are re-thinking employing different work time and working practice; because number of paid work and taking care of unpaid domestic and family work has increased as men have to also help now. Females that were before at home looking after husband's mother refuse to do this now. The late twenty century patterns was going to work, leaving work on the first child, then gradually coming back to work. These females were married, where as mentioned before that in the early days, that if women worked, they had to leave the employment completely when they got married. Now there are more women in the labour force than men. Women's economic behaviour is the same as men, but still do different jobs on a lower level. Patriarchy was also found in adopting the name of their husbands after marriage, but more women are choosing to keep their maiden and have a choice of titles e. g. Ms, Miss and Mrs, so that they can retain their own identity. Also another element that changed in society which is widely appreciated now is the fact that women were able to vote which began after the First World War, which was still based on age. However the question still remains that is patriarchy still useful? I would personally argue that yes it is. One has to understand it with other concepts, with the way of how the concept of patriarchy is used. I would personally argue that some concepts of patriarchy has fad away from today society's, but overall it has not lessened, but is now being used under different forms. One form of patriarchy that can be seen as a useful concept, is entertainment given by women. Women are appreciated on their glamour. In the media women such as the ‘Spice Girls' are a role model in society because of glamour. Naked women are commonly shown e. g. in the Sun Newspaper, on page three, where as men nudity is more under the covers. This is seen as useful, as it can be forfilling entertainment for men, and women' role models are being used to put across message, such as Spice Girls putting forward the message of ‘girl power'. It can also still be useful in a relationship as men still oppress women, maybe it is something that males inherent, that men can use to impress women, such as paying when going out, walking the lady home etc. I would say it's main usefulness still lies within the family, as the family and religion are the source of many of our beliefs. Families and religion can be the most powerful sets of shaping one's personality and future. This is important as it is given to us from our primary experiences of family life. It is believed that for a family to work it needs to be organized within a set of rules and belief's. These still mainly come from the main positional power, which is mainly the role of the father. The rules and beliefs are expected to be practiced in order to keep a family together. ‘The key to survival and success for the children in the family system, or the underlying incentives and rewards, is to please the father or, in it's modern form, please the parents, and obtaining their attention and/or approval. [http://www. 2. warwick. ac. uk/fac/soc/siology/researh. htm] In some religions and cultures it is seen as a useful concept, for example Islam, because some elements are practice to protects women and their dignity. Their rules come from the Holy Qur'an, which Muslims obey by not only because they have to, but also because they believe it has been given to them to help guide them and protect them from the dangers of life, one example, adultery. However some may not see it as useful, as facts have shown that the top politicians and scientists are men. Work hours still have had seen to be problems for women. In Britain inequality is illegal but still is happening in other parts of the country, and men still oppress women. Sometimes society promotes sex- stereotyped roles themselves when it is unnecessary, for example in some cultures there is more of a celebration when a baby boy is born, or when children are a bit older society places them into their sex roles, e. . to praise them we say things like â€Å"that's pretty for a good girl† or to a boy it is said † you do that like a girl†, or â€Å"boys don't cry†. We are teaching girls to be feminine, and boys are taught to be masculine, by being tough and insensitive. My conclusion to this essay from reviewing the facts I have gained, is that patriarchy is seen more as useful concept in society today despite the negative elements. I would personally say that women today still depend on certain patriarchal concepts to enable them to gain security within their lives, however this is not true for everyone. During this essay I have covered a range of topics to with patriarchy. In my essay I have concentrated on four aspects, I have defined the term ‘patriarchy'; I have talked about how society was how society has changed, and discussed if patriarchy still is a useful concept. I have produced this with relevant evidence in a form of quotes.