Saturday, December 28, 2019

Discriminations True Meaning - 1590 Words

â€Å"The only difference between man and man all the world over is one of degree, and not of kind, even as there is between trees of the same species. Where in is the cause for anger, envy, or discrimination?† (Gandhi). The only difference between each person is personality; each individual has something to offer. Many people judge others based on first impressions because usually it is the only time they will see the person in their life. They usually do not want to take time out of their day to get to know the person they just have met. Appearance plays a huge part in how people will make opinions on others. Throughout history, Europeans have considered themselves superior to Africans; therefore, Europeans enslaved the Africans to do their†¦show more content†¦The inconvenience of employers being required to provide additional costly equipment or services for a disabled person to perform a task and people’s attitudes prevent a disabled person from being succ essful or even hired. Society is unaware, or does not care, about how their discrimination makes the disabled person feel. For thousands of years, women have been discriminated against because of their gender. The website, Women in Society, discovered that, â€Å"Women often stay at home, cleaning, cooking and caring for their children. Although these activities are essential for the wellbeing of the family, women are often not respected for their work.† Due to this common stereotyping, men consider of themselves superior to women. In ancient Greece, only male citizens who owned land were able to vote. During Shakespearean times, female roles were given to male actors because it was improper for women to be on stage. While looking over history books, it is uncommon to see women’s achievements. â€Å"It is possible, reading standard histories, to forget half the population of the country. The explorers were men, the landholders and merchant’s men, the political leader’s men, the military figures men. The very invisibility of women, the overlooking of women, is a sign of their submerged status† (Maugham). Men believe that women are not meant to go fight; they are to be protected. The military did not allow women to fight on theShow MoreRelatedThe Racism Of African Americans2803 Words   |  12 Pagesfive† (Mtose 2011). Multidimensional model of racial identity (MMRI) Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, Chavous (1998) have proposed the MMRI as a structure for black racial identity. The model defines racial identity in terms of the significance and meaning that African Americans place on race when it comes to defining themselves. The model advises four dimensions of racial identity attitudes. Two dimensions seem to be mainly significant to understanding the potential impact of racial discrimination

Friday, December 20, 2019

E Commerce A Great Tool For Promoting Business - 1497 Words

A business through e-commerce can be a great tool for promoting business online and to generate sales and/or provides channels for a business to engage with customers. The benefits of e-commerce include its around-the-clock availability and accessibility, a speed of access, and the worldwide reach. In contrary, with the technology advances, a variety of rights are claimed and along with it in, online business became exposed to a large risks without protecting of its rights. Consequently, the law created to protect the rights such as copyright and/or patents, database laws, trademarks, industrial design law, and trade secret law to protect different types of intellectual property (IP) rights. The question here is, how much the laws can†¦show more content†¦In the UK, copyright protect literary and artistic works vests automatically in a work, provided that satisfies certain criteria and there is no registry or fees to pay. It is also an international right that gives authors and creators the right to control use of their material in a different ways, such as by issuing copies, broadcasting and use online. For a ‘work’ to qualify for copyright in the UK; 1) The work must fall within one of eight categories of work listed in the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988). 2) The work must be recorded in a material form 3) The work must be original. The test for the originality of the work, there must be sufficient â€Å"skill, labour and judgment† or â€Å"selection, judgment and experience† or â€Å"labour, skill and capital†. Copyright protects the expression of an idea rather than the ideal itself: idea/expression dichotomy. This is the fundamental concept of copyright and in the case of Donoghue v Allied Newspapers [1938] Farwell J. said that: ‘If the idea, however original, is nothing more than an idea, and is not put into any form of words, or any form of expression such as a picture, then there is no such thing as copyright at all.’ And thus, distinction between an idea and an expression often under the spotlight of debate under copyright law. â€Å"One may differentiate the form from the substance of a writing, equating the substance with the writing s idea, but any idea must

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Failure of Liberalism in Dr. Strangelove free essay sample

In spite of the prevailing view of democracy as â€Å"good† and communism as â€Å"evil† at the time, America was being just as evil as the Soviet Union by pursuing the technology of superior nuclear weapons. Dr. Strangelove takes a serious look at how liberalism ultimately failed the international system in a most horrific way. Liberalism maintains that human nature is basically good, and that bad human behavior is usually a product of insufficient or immoral social institutions and of misunderstanding among leaders. The first level of analysis of liberalism pertains to the individual, and Dr. Strangelove displays how the individuals in this film played an integral part of the ultimate destruction of Earth. The most obvious key player in this film is General Jack D. Ripper. He is the personification of the liberal view of evil human behavior. Going against orders, General Ripper decides to launch an attack on the Soviet Union, simply because he believed the Russians were poisoning the American people through fluoridation. We will write a custom essay sample on Failure of Liberalism in Dr. Strangelove or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to assure that his plan would not be thwarted, he changed the abort codes so that he is the only person who is able to stop the attack. General Ripper is an extreme opposite to the liberal view of human nature as basically good, and he demonstrates how one individual could have powerful influence on the international system. Another display of bad human behavior in Kubrick’s film is ignorance. This is prominently shown in Major King Kong. Major Kong’s biggest mistake is his failure to realize how nuclear weapons have changed the nature of war. He not only follows the orders given by General Ripper blindly, but he does so in a way that is more suitable for the type of fighting that was done in WWII. He doesn’t seem to understand that the consequences of his dropping an atomic bomb on Russia and in his shortsightedness, appears to think nuclear war may not actually be that bad. In actuality, nuclear weapons made war more detrimental to not only the human race, but to the local and global environment. Perhaps the most interesting take on bad human behavior in the film is Dr. Strangelove himself. His lack of feeling and compassion for others leads him to view nuclear weapons as a mode of deterrence against enemy attack, and he gives no real thought to the fact that that they will essentially destroy the human race. Near the end of the film, he shows his lack of empathy by suggesting that all military and political leaders and attractive women be taken into a mine shaft in an effort to survive the virulent radioactivity produced by the Doomsday device. Not all characters in this film portray the evil human side, however. President Muffley is the liberalist image of good human nature. He is not only appalled by the actions taken by General Ripper, but he attempts to stop the attack from happening in order to make peace prevail between the United States and the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, his attempts are ineffectual and somewhat ridiculous, and in the end he is not successful in stopping the apocalypse. While President Muffley is what liberalist would consider the majority of the human population, in this film he is played out as more of a minority of human behavior. Despite the overwhelming acts of the individuals in Dr. Strangelove that contributed to the ultimate demise of mankind, the state, which is the second level of analysis for liberalism, was also a major actor in Earth’s destruction. None of the individuals in the film could have caused such destruction if the state hadn’t first built the weapons that made it possible. The United States and the Soviet Union were competing in a race to make the most superior weapons. The Russians even went as far as to make a Doomsday Machine that would destroy all human, animal, and plant life on Earth as a method of retaliation, which is the unequivocal liberalist view of immoral behavior. Aside from that, the lack of cooperation among the states played a serious role in the outcome of this film. Instead of the two states involved cooperating and reaching a level of understanding, they chose to use power and destruction as tools for manipulating the other side to act accordingly. In the end, it was this more than anything else that led to the worst outcome possible. While liberalism has a more idealistic view of human nature and the international system, it is put into question by the film Dr. Strangelove. Instead of improving moral and material conditions and making societal progress, the actors in this film chose death and ultimately apocalypse. In short, it shows how despite liberalist view on mankind’s best intentions, good human nature may not always triumph.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Women Poetry of world war one Essay Example For Students

Women Poetry of world war one Essay Women Poetry of world war one BY Panamanian Women Poets of the First World War During the First World War, many women began writing about their experiences and their opinions of the war. However their works have been given less importance as compared to the Literature written by Men of the time. Even while poetry is arguably the most central of womens war time genre, readers have often found it disappointingly backward-looking in both style and subject matter (Plucks, 89) While looking at the works of Women poets we find a variation in themes ranging from those who encouraged men to fight the war to those who fought the war themselves ND despised It. This research paper attempts to study the different kinds of poetry written by women and the themes they express. The infamous white feather campaign was part of a government- orchestrated effort to immobile women to recruit male soldiers (Plucks, 90). As it was a completely volunteer based army, it was necessary to have very powerful recruitment campaigns in order to have enough soldiers. The White Feather Brigade was started by Admiral Fitzgerald on August 30, 1914, when he gave out white feathers to 30 women, giving Instructions to hand them out to men who had cowardly not enlisted in the army. The idea of the white feather as a symbol for cowardice and disapproval comes from a popular novel written by the British author A. E. W. Mason in 1902, during the Boer War (Wiseacres). This resulted in Jingoism even in some of the poems written by women. Among the Jingo- writers were writers like Jessie Pope who wrote two such poems- The Call and Whos for the Game? In Whiffs for the Game? Pope was trying to bring out the Image that war was fun and full of glory that any young man could earn If only he had the courage- The red crashing game of a fight? Wholl grip and tackle the job unafraid? By using the words like game, the biggest thats played and game of a fight she makes fighting the wars seem like an easy task. She also compares the war to a show for praise was given to the soldiers who fought the war and not those who watched from the home front- Who wants a turn to himself In the show? And who wants a seat In the stand? Similarly In The Call Pope repeatedly uses rhetorical questions to evoke a sense of guilt. Her constant uses of the question- ;will you my ladder? And her use of My Ladder almost suggests that going to the war would be a way to impress he ladies on the home front because it was heroic and noble. A similar belief in expressed in her poem, The Beau Ideal which literally means the perfect beauty and according to Pope would be the lad that- Must be in shabby khaki tight To compass her affection Whos proved that he Is brittle Must her have one member in a sling Or, preferably, missing This poem would was used to convince men to fight the war because women now preferred Soldiers but must have been very offensive to those who fought the war. For the country- For theres only one course to pursue. Your country is up to her neck n a fight, And shes looking and calling for you And she was also certain that England was going to win the war and when She did, that all these soldiers would be honored. When that procession comes, Banners and rolling drums- Wholl stand and bite his thumbs- Will you, my ladder? And like she does in Whos for the gamer, she asks -at this point of time would the people rather be with among those who are being honored or stand among those who fought? .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postImageUrl , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:visited , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active { border:0!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:active , .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2 .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc49067f1ee14f79e48b156269a548b2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Influence Our Mind Jingo-woman (How I dislike you! ) Dealer in white feathers, Insulter, self-appointed, Of all the men you meet, Not dressed in uniform What these women are doing by shaming the men into war is unacceptable to her. She doesnt believe that men should be shamed into the war Just because they are men. Cant you see it isnt decent, To flout and goad men into doing, What is not asked of you? Aside from the Jingoist writers, a whole range of poetry was written by women who worked on the war front as nurses among them being Vera Britain who and Eva Double, Both who served in The Voluntary Aid Detachment (BAD) nurse. Some of their works reflect the things they encountered while working. Some were about heroism and some were about the pain and agony that the soldiers suffered. Eva Double wrote Night duty, Pluck and Gramophones which take an account of things she may have encountered while working at the hospitals. Pluck emphasis on the fact that young people were brainwashed into enlisting into the army. She speaks of a seventeen year old- His great eyes seems to question why: with both legs smashed it might have been Better in that grim trench to die Some poems were written by women who were on the home front and wrote poems based on what they had heard from others. Margaret Cole for example was a pacifist in the First World War. She wrote the The Veteran which again is a p oem about a young who people enlisted in the army. The Veteran himself is only 19 and yet he has encountered. Cole could have been trying to make a statement that people who are so young should not have to face such traumatizing events. Poems by other women on the home front reflect themes of loss, pain, love. These women were the ones who ad to anxiously wait at home only to hear the news that their loved ones has passed. One such poem that expressed these themes is The Wind on the Downs by Marina Allen. This poem was written to her Fiance, Arthur Greg who died in the war. The poem expresses her struggle to cope with the news of his death- You have not died, it is not true, instead You seek adventure in some other place, a feeling that was faced by most women on the home front. Men on the war front often suffered horrible deaths, many of whom, the bodies were never found. Their loved ones at home therefore had no closure. The lines of Vera Britains Perhaps expresses the same idea when she says .. Though kind Time may many Joys renew, There is one greatest Joy I shall not know Again, because my heart for loss of You Was broken, long ago. Her poem expresses deep feelings of loss because life might go on as usual for her and everyone around by her loved one will not be there to enjoy it with her. Many of the women were insistent on being on the war front. They may have felt subordinated or may have been carried away by the idea of the war or maybe Just wanted to be useful first world war is notable for having transformed womans role of mere spectator of a male event into one active participant at various levels, in the war behind. Therefore some did go to war and worked on various levels. Female feats went unrecorded; occasionally they got a mention in the papers (Khan, 133). A range of poetry was also a cry for much needed respect that ought to be given to women who fought the war. Apart from the soldiers who lost their lives there was a large number of women who worked on the war front as nurses or did other voluntary work and were killed in ill faith. Women Felt unappreciated as all praise was given to the men and none to the women. Poets like Vera Britain expressed some of these ideas in their works.